Roland Faure

I'm a PhD candidate in bioinformatics since October 2021 under the joint supervision of Dominique Lavenier in the Genscale team in Rennes, France and Jean-François Flot and the EBE team at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium. I like imagining and implementing algorithmic solutions on biological problems. My area of research is genome assembly, more specifically the problems of haplotyping and metagenome assembly. The main work of my Ph.D. is the development of the tool HairSplitter, which recovers in an assembly strains that have been missed by an assembler (generally because they were too similar to other strains).

Software, publications & talks


Separating noisy long reads into an unknown number of haplotypes

Developped with the help of Dominique Lavenier and Jean-François Flot

Link to the main bioRxiv paper

The goal of Hairsplitter is to produce contiguous and uncollapsed (i.e. with all haplotypes still present) (meta-)genome assembly. It takes an assembly and sequencing reads as input, detects if contigs have been collapsed and output the corresponding uncollapsed assembly. Written in C++. Available on GitHub. The most complete paper yet can be found on the JOBIM 2023 proceedings.
Presented as a poster at Genome informatics 2022 and ISMB/ECCB 2023 . See the poster. Presented as a talk at SeqBIM 2022, JOBIM 2023 and ISMB/ECCB 2023 .

Link to the ILP improvement paper (presented at BIOSTEC 2024)

An improvement of the read separation algorithm based on Integer Linear Programming was developed with Tam Truong and Rumen Andonov and presented at 17th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies , where it received the best student paper award. It is available on github


Untangling assembly graphs to finish assemblies

Developped under the supervision of Nadège Guiglielmoni and Jean-François Flot

Link to the bioRxiv paper

GraphUnzip untangles assembly graphs with the help of long reads and/or Hi-C. It is designed to distinguish the different haplotypes present. Written in Python. Available on GitHub.
Presented the key idea for the first time at JOBIM 2021
The long read algorithm was presented for the first time at SeqBIM 2021 thanks to a grant from the SFBI.


Rapidly separating barcoded reads into groups

Developped under the supervision of Dominique Lavenier

Link to the published paper (Bioinformatics advances)

QuickDeconvolution aims at answering the barcode deconvolution problem when dealing with barcoded reads. It strives at being scalable and parallelisable. Written in C++. Available on GitHub.


Recomb-SEQ 2024

Reviewed a paper with the help of Claire Lemaitre, February 2024


Reviewed a paper with the help of Dominique Lavenier, January 2024

NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics

Co-reviewed a paper with Karel Brinda, October 2022


Tam Minh Khac Truong

StrainMiner: Data mining and discrete optimizations for strains separation in metagenomes using long reads

Two masters internships of 4 months (2022) and 6 months (2023). Co-supervised with Rumen Andonov
Worked on a new approach to separate error-prone sequencing reads from several strains of the same species in metagenome. The new approach is based on integer linear programming and showed good performance. This work has been integrated into HairSplitter and presented at the 17th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies . It is available on github .

Olivier De Thier

Improving ascidian de novo genome assemblies with long reads

Master thesis of 6 months (2023). Co-supervised with Jean-François Flot and Stefano Tiozzo.
This master thesis produced new ascidian genomes of unprecendented quality for Botryllus schlosseri and Polyandrocarpa zorritensis

Baptiste Hilaire

Sequence reduction to increase the speed of bioinformatic tools

Bachelor internship of 6 weeks (2023)
This internship explored the properties of Mapping-friendly Sequence Reductions (MSRs) , with the final objective to increase the speed and/or decrease the memory needed for some bioinformatic pipelines.


Initiation to Java programming

20hx2 of practical sessions with 1st year bachelor computer science students at the university of Rennes, Fall 2021 and Fall 2022

Python object-oriented programming

34hx2 of practical sessions with 1st year master bioinformatics students at the university of Rennes, Winter 2022 and Winter 2023

Bioinformatics crash course

A full day crash-course (6h) of bioinformatics to high-school students selected to represent Belgium at the International Biology Olympiad, Brussels, May 2022 and 2023.

Educational background

2020 - 2021

Master "Bioinformatics & modelisation"

Sorbonne universités

Paris, France


Engineering school

École polytechnique

Saclay, France

2015 - 2017

Math & Physics preparatory school

Lycée Aux Lazaristes

Lyon, France

